Use amulets and talismans to attract the life of all property, people began in ancient times, when a man was not familiar with the science, but had technical management own energy, had a spiritual relationship with the higher powers. Амулетом could be anything: bird feather, currency, discussion, tied on the arm. Before, very used talismans against the evil eye, protection against the forces of evil, protect the house and the children. In our time, with the current growth of competition in the professional sector, people increasingly require the амулетам to attract money and luck.
What is an amulet
Amulet — this is a special item, ready or you created yourself, with magical qualities. Give it these properties of the media itself, the amulet at the time of creation. If the mascot was purchased, it may already be loaded a certain energy, however, you should pass on it a work, in order to program, personally, for yourself.
The important thing is the faith in the power of the amulet. The stronger mentally the promise, the greater the power he acquires. The important point is not the appearance of a mascot, but in relation to it. If he, for some reason, don't like the owner, all of its properties sobreviriam not. This happens because of the negative energies, guided on the subject. For the same reason, it's not worth to demonstrate a lack of respect, and to express doubt about the power of the amulet.
Creating or acquisition of the mascot is better not to spread about your presence, even the more close to the people. Some have a bad eye, even not knowing about it. Envy and promise is not of good energy can also affect the amulet.

To attract the financial well-being there are a variety of pet different. Some of them are worth carrying, others in the body, and some hide in a secluded corner of your home. By itself, the items that became амулетом, are not the solution to all problems. On the contrary, they help create the situation, which will cause that expected. The person can receive a specific value, and, for example, a promotion, winning the lottery, sudden inheritance.
It is more common when the creation of amulets to attract money, use the red, green, and purple. They symbolize the well-being and success in financial matters.
Turn the you the money the well-being help, and essential oils. The droplet of oil, suffered in a bill, will be to set up a wave of wealth to the subtle. So, the best is the patchouli oil, but also for these purposes the appropriate mint, ginger, nutmeg, cedarwood, orange, basil, sandalwood.
Natural stones have a strong energy, and some of them contribute to the yield increase. Is хризолит, jade, carnelian, , malachite. Wearing jewelry with them, attracts prosperity, and serves as a magnet for money.
Will help you attract finance and potted plants: moneytree and zamiokulkas (dollar tree). For this, before planting the plants have to play in a pot of a few different currencies of dignity, to fall asleep the its soil, and on top of it to situate the plant itself. How will grow the flower, will increase the income.
In any money sign, it is possible to trace the characters. These old signs came from scandinavian countries and are endowed with a huge mystic force. Most of the flow of the rune Fehu is considered, which means "wealth". The same effect can serve as a rune Dagaz ("prosperity") and the Like ("material property"). As the mascot for the ideal rune, drawn on a sheet of paper. She needs to put in bag and take with you.
The whole note
The simplest form of talisman to attract wealth. Is any currency note or coin that you want to use in a purse, away from the eyes, in order to, inadvertently, not to spend. The higher the value of the note, the greater the income you will attract. Therefore, the coins, at least, and can be used for this purpose, but hardly they will be able to invoke large quantities.
The best option is to take a bill, won as a prize in the service, which they gave with the new wallet. She will have a great flow of positive vibrations. In addition, it is worth to load on the new moon, full moon or in the days of the crescent Moon. For this, it should be slightly to lubricate a draft law "the money" and oil in the evening to put in the window, so that she absorbed the lunar energy. The most appropriate day of the week for conducting financial transactions is Thursday, as this day protected the Jupiter, which is responsible for business, money and success in all endeavors.
Money of the grant
We will need:
- red bag, green, or white;
- green discussion;
- green candle;
- mint, nutmeg, basil;
- 3 crumbs of malachite;
- patchouli oil, mint and cedar;
- 3 currencies.
To light a candle green and mix in a bowl all the ingredients, add 3 drops of essential oils and candle wax. To tie in the green floss.
The monetary system of the bottle
You must take:
- the green glass bottle;
- the green candle;
- 5 silver coins;
- 5 copper coins of color;
- 5 pshenychnykh of grains;
- 5 grains of sesame;
- 5 cinnamon sticks;
- 5 cloves;
- 5 peas of allspice;
- 5 peanuts.
Light a candle green, then pour in a bottle all the ingredients and pour in the hot wax of the candle. To seal the mascot is not worth it, in order not to close the flow of energy. Put the bottle can be in any place of the house.
The ancient round-money
Each day of the month, I need to postpone the amount of money in the reserved box or sachet, according to the number of days. For example, 1 ruble in the first day, the ruble 2 — in the second place, and so on. You must perform these steps every day, preferably at the same time of the day. At the end of the month to exchange all the money in a bill.
Prosperity in the tradition of feng shui
In the chinese philosophy of feng shui for the recruitment and conservation of wealth there are a variety of pets. All of them contribute to the circulation of energy:
- golden frog with a coin in its mouth;
- the statue god Hoteya, that to attract good luck and money it is necessary to rub the belly;
- 3 chinese coins, tied a scarlet thread;
- fish tank with fish;
- room from a source ;
- the ship with the sails.
The rules of dealing with money
To strengthen the action of the mascots you can by following the signs and rules of circulation of finances. These signs for the money — very strong:

- In the new moon to show a month of the bag open, so with its growth grew the income.
- The new portfolio it is best to acquire green, red, or brown. Give only with money inside.
- If the wallet is empty, it's not worth to save it, the more wise to immediately replace it.
- Coins and banknotes from the store in various departments. The paper money folding the note the note, in increasing order.
- It is not possible to judge the garbage and sweep the floor after sunset, shake the hand of the crumbs from the table.
- If you defer the money they need to periodically take out and count, report new ones, and the energy of prosperity does not stagnate.
- Lend worth to the crescent of the Moon, and to pay debts vice-versa, and the best small купюрами.
Amulets to attract good luck
The luck and success you can also be приманить, using talismans. Our ancestors for these purposes took a four-leaf clover, marine stone with the hole, the rabbit's foot, a horseshoe, hung above the doors. These amulets have the power of proven, over the centuries, which greatly increases their power.
Like all amulets, talismans of good luck and is not transferable. Use amulets better in contact with the body to furnish it with your energy.
As and money, talismans to attract good luck, it's worth taking the crescent of the Moon. We must not forget that the mascots need to clean and recharge. For this, you can put them in overnight in water or dry salt. And charge talismans, established on the full moon on the window sill or to the racking for the night under the pillow.
Luck can help you:
- Herbs and oils: orange, bergamot, ginger, cinnamon, bay leaves.
- Stones: carnelian, amber, tiger eye.
- Color: orange, yellow, red.
- Day of week: Sunday, Monday, Thursday.
Creating various combinations of herbs, oils and stones, you can mount the prestige of a mascot that brings luck and success to you.
Spice good luck
The bay leaf in the past known for their many magical properties, among which was to satisfy the desires, taking advantage of the money, luck and happiness. Need to take five bay leaves and tie them together by pegs red line. This round hanging over the entrance of the apartment or house. It works very well in situations where it is necessary the good fortune of working with creative people and projects.
Cinnamon is used in rituals for luck. Before an important business or performance can пожевать the cinnamon stick. Luck in all your ventures will bring щепоть молотой spices that you need to fill your left shoe.
Magic safety pin
In the evening, in a flat dish to sprinkle, alternately for 3 tablespoons of salt, sugar and rice, to form a toboggan aquatic. It paste open a safety pin upside down and not stir until morning. Then, secure the pin to clothing, on the back side, away from curious eyes. The marker is to function as a talisman that attracts the good luck in any case.
Bag for luck
On the first day of the lunar month has to do with the bag of fabric yellow, orange or red. The next day, pour for щепотке of the laurel and cinnamon, and 3 drops of essential oils of orange, bergamot and mint. To activate the amulet has the three phases of the full moon, load it in the moonlight. After this, he begins to bring good luck.
The stones that bring good luck
Each Zodiac sign corresponds to certain precious stones, and precious stones. This depends on the influence of the planets on man. What is the appropriate one, with the other can behave diametrically opposed, therefore, before the selection of the mascot is worth to find out what the stone is worth buying.

- Aries: agate, heliotrope, ruby.
- Taurus: sapphire, onyx, and topaz.
- Twins: rhinestones, amber, silver.
- Cancer: the cat's eye, amazonite, emerald.
- Lion: alexandrita, citrine, yellow beryl.
- Virgo: yellow agate, jasper, jadeite.
- Balance: aventurine, lapis lazuli, and diamond.
- Scorpio: coral, battery, carnelian.
- Sagittarius: garnet, jasper red, tiger eye.
- Capricorn: the obsidian, tourmaline.
- Aquarius: amethyst, turquoise, zircon.
- Fish: sea water, moonstone, opal.
The most important, for the оберегу was the soul. If you think what you like, and the stone to another sign, and you intuitively feel a connection with him, it is better to trust чутью.
Chinese recipe for good luck
To perform this ritual every day, but it is important to do this in a good mood. Take three candles and enjoyable to you incense. Candles and wand incense light up, you should leave with smoke coming out of the room in a clockwise direction, whispering in their arbitrary conspiracy, calling your luck in your home. After that, candles, must pay, and the incense of leave complete combustion. When you have finished this ritual of good luck, happiness and success will come in your life.
Wax mascot
Choose any sailing, that intuitively seems suitable, regardless of size and color. At midnight in the crescent Moon put a candle in a glass capacity and light. Until the liquid wax, and tell in your own words, in which area you want the help of fortune. Thus, the wax will absorb your energy and is programmed to attract the desired. The candle should burn, and the wax after it cools down, it will be your амулетом in luck. It is important for anyone to not download and upload always with you.
Amulets and talismans an important support material for success in life and finance. But don't expect a miracle, he's not going to happen, if the sit. Work, form a positive attitude in relation to the world and, remember, the thought is material, believe me and all of our plans come to pass!